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HAIR TATTOO Creating a hair tattoo includes using various skilled technician


Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Hair tattoos should be created by a specialist scalp micropigmentation technician because a hair tattoo is not just a tattoo in the traditional sense. You can’t expect to have SMP (also referred to as scalp micropigmentation) from a tattoo studio because a scalp micropigmentation procedure is carried out differently.

However, people quite often make the mistake of assuming a hair tattoo is where designs are cut or shaved into the hair to create a different hair style but that isn’t the case.A hair tattoo can cover all of your scalp if you are bald – it’s very popular worldwide. A hair tattoo procedure can also be used on parts of the scalp that are either thinning, receding or balding. Scars to the scalp can also be camouflaged using scalp pigmentation (SMP).MICRONEEDLES FOR SMPA microneedle is used to delicately tattoo a pigment into the scalp and a carefully planned out hair tattoo is gradually formed of specially pigmented hair follicles in the applied area of the scalp. As a result, what you then see is realistic impression of a full head of hair – a remarkable appearance.


The SMP procedure is suitable for those who are losing hair or for those men or women who have either longer hair, shorter hair or have gone bald. Performing a hair tattoo is a very skilled process.While other hair replacement methods can be painful, having a hair tattoo is a much less painful procedure. As a result, many say it’s virtually painless – find out here what Skalptec clients say as they share their own experiences with you.

Scalp Micropigmentation should always be carried out by a trained industry professional; if not, it is quite possible that the results you see in the mirror won’t meet your expectations and you could be very disappointed if it’s not done correctly.

Scalp micropigmentation is a popular hair loss solution when it comes to men and women who have to deal with losing their hair. Skalpec provides the following SMP services for men and women:SMP for men, SMP for women, Receding hairline, BaldnessThinning hair, Alopecia areata and all other forms of alopecia Genetic hair loss, Hair loss after illness such as lupus and cancer, Birthmark blending, Scarring or burns on the scalp from accidents or surgery, Hair transplant scar camouflage from a previous hair transplantSMP for dark and light skinAdding density to longer hairWe repair bad SMP treatments which have been caused by other SMP providers.Aftercare is an essential part of what we do. Find out more about Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare.


We offer the best Scalp Micropigmentation in Chicago, IL. Trichologists and other hair and scalp specialists continue to research the best solutions to prevent hair loss. If you are losing your hair or if you have lost some of it, then having a hair tattoo is the best possible hair replacement solution. You won’t need to go through any surgery, and as a result, it’s non invasive when compared to other hair loss procedures. More and more people as well as celebrities choose to have a hair tattoo.In the example above, thousands of tiny pigment deposits have been meticulously placed into the upper dermis of the scalp.


Have you ever seen scarring on someone’s head or do you have scars yourself perhaps from surgery or an accident. If you do, it can be camouflaged and as a result, what you then have is a scar that is far less noticeable. You can see the amazing results achieved below. However, if you are considering having an invasive operation such as a hair transplant, you will have to go through a surgery. People choose to have SMP after a hair transplant because SMP is very effective (and non surgical). If you have scarring, the scar can be disguised. Long scars on the back of the head is typical for someone who has had a FUE or FUT hair transplant.Going with FUT will mean that a thin strip of hair will be removed from the scalp, so it can be used for the balding / receding area on the scalp. With a FUE transplant however, each hair is carefully inserted into the scalp one by one. So in essence, a hair tattoo can be used to camouflage the scar, and the hair can then be styled very short if you prefer, in a buzz cut styled short, with no worries whatsoever.


Red dots will appear temporarily on your scalp and they will eventually dry up and fall off with no pain. In the early stages of creating a tattoo for the hair using SMP, limited discomfort might be felt. Discomfort felt via SMP is much less than if you have a tattoo in a tattoo studio (the needle penetrates deeper).A hair transplant can be very painful and it is not always successful for a different reasons. It’s an invasive surgical procedure which needs a long period of time for recovery and a lot of patience is required before seeing the final results).Here are some steps to take after having once a hair tattoo is in place. Further explanation is provided during consultations between scalp technician and the client:Firstly, after around two weeks, you can start to ease yourself into shaving again.Secondly, moisturise the scalp after several days have passedThirdly, avoid swimming and stay out of the direct sunlight for the first month – using sunscreen on the scalp will help to avoid fading.and for a short period of time avoid perspiring through any heavy exercise or strainResting and healing time is essential. You can still go about your daily routine the very next day, but there will be limitations for a very short time which a scalp technician would discuss with you as part of the whole process and the aftercare.


Here you can see just some of the impressive hair tattoo results achieved for Skalptec clients. You can see more before and after SMP images, testimonials and videos by going to has won many Us scalp micropigmentation awards and Skalptec is regarded as a leading Us and internationally recognised hair tattoo provider.

FAQs About Scalp Micropigmentation in Chicago, IL

Some of your hair tattoo questions answered


Hair tattoos won’t prevent growth and here’s a few of reasons:(1) Ink pigment particles are deposited in the dermis layer of skin.(2) The hair follicle root is located deeper down.(3) Scalp micropigmentation procedures will not harm your hair.(4) Treated hair grows back.Choosing the right hair tattoo clinic with qualified technicians will make all the difference so you can look forward to experiencing great results.


Your nearest and dearest will probably say you look younger. Or, there’s a good chance they will ask you if you have done anything different with your hair. Scalp micropigmentation looks super impressive and very realistic – SMP doesn’t look fake. Your aim is to have a natural look of a natural hairstyle / hairline. You want to return to your normal day to day life with as little downtime as possible. People across the UK and all over the world have had a hair tattoo and popularity grows year upon year with celebrities of stage, screen, sports, media, modelling and other industries much preferring the SMP option. Having a hair tattoo for hair loss is the world’s fastest growing solution to people losing their precious hair and baldness.


When people lose their hair it can be a major concern as confidence and self esteem can be affected greatly. There are alternatives to going ahead with a hair tattoo (SMP) such as lotions, Minoxidil, shampoos, hair transplant, wig and pills.A hair tattoo can last for some years without looking after it and with no touch ups. But with occasional touch ups – which are always advised for long lasting results – you can enjoy the same consistent look year in year out. You can make sure your hair tattoo always looks as good as it did when you first had it done


Yes you can have a scalp tattoo removed by a professional, who will use a laser over one to two sessions scalp pigments can be removed. Micro pigments are applied at a certain depth in the skin. The larger the area the more laser treatments you will require.


There has been research by dermatology specialists for many years around links between tattoos / hair tattoos and cancer. There is no current study and no evidence to suggest that SMP causes cancer.


Rogaine may cause the ink to fade if it is used too soon after SMP treatment. Delay using Rogaine for two weeks just to make sure that the inks are completely dry.


SMP Scalp Micropigmentation

3232 ridge road suites 4 Lansing il 60438

 +1 708-323-5950

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